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Malaysian bloggers for ISA Hartal (Nationwide strike)

Recently I published an article calling for a Hartal (Nationwide strike) to be declared protesting the use of the ISA and calling for the abolishment of this draconian law (Hartal (Nationwide strike) - The solution for 1947, the solution for ISA?). The article got linked to malaysiakini, and since then has gained considerable popularity.

But it has been mainly all talk no do.

If we are really serious about Hartal-ing, then we should, for a start, determine several things:

  • What date will the Hartal be? - The date chosen should preferaly have historical significance.
  • How do we spread the Hartal message? - Sms? emails? Featured on Malaysiakini?
  • How do we organise this? A comitee to Hartal ISA should be set up
  • Who should we get on board - If we were to get prominent bloggers and politicians, the Hartal would gain considerable publicity.
What do you think? Leave a comment or email me at

Update: It looks more and more likely that Anwar is going to be arrested under the ISA. The Hartal suggestion looks more and more rosy to me now.