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Vote: Should Chua Soi Lek be given a second chance?

Read the following excerpts from the Malaysiakini report:

“Whatever it is, it all depends whether he (Dr Chua) has truly repented over his mistakes. If he has genuinely repented, he deserves another chance because everyone makes mistakes,” said Nie Ching, who at 27 is Malaysia’s youngest MP.

She also said that Chua was a good health minister before he relinquished all his public positions (in early January this year) following the sex scandal.

“It is unfair if we continue to judge him on his past mistakes,” Nie Ching said.

When told that it would be impossible for western leaders involved in sex scandals to make a comeback like the case of President Clinton who was impeached, Nie Ching replied, “That’s the west. Our priorities are different.”

There are several inconsistencies in the Malaysiakini report. One, Teo is not Malaysia's youngest MP, Anwar's daughter Nurul is at 24. Two, President Clinton was NEVER IMPEACHED. The Senate voted against impeaching him. In addition, President Clinton still has a lot of political clout in US politics. He was a keynote speaker at the recent Democratic National Convention, and campaigned heavily for Hillary Clinton and now Barack Obama.

So do you think Chua Soi Lek should be given a second chance? Vote:

Personally, I think there are two main aspects of being a good leader. One, he is good at his job and has good leadership, two, he acts as a role model for the society. On count one, Chua passes, but on count two, he fails. So it really comes down to whether Chua can redeem himself. I say a second chance should be given, but the second chance should also be a last chance.

What do you think? Comment and discuss it here.

Addendum: Nurul Izzah is not the youngest MP, Teo is, as pointed out by commenter James.


Unknown said...

Nurul Izzah is not 24. She is 28, a year older than Nie Ching.