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Najib fighting for his political career amidst allegations - malaysiakini

Malaysiakini's report:

Deputy Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak today said that there was no abuse of power on his part in his exchange of text-messages with lawyer Muhammad Shafee Abdullah in relation to the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder case.

"Why must I comment on the matter? The prime minister has said enough," Najib told reporters in Parliament today.

najib parliament 141008He was responding to a report in Malaysia Today which published exchanges of SMSes between him and Muhammad Shafee over the alleged involvement of political analyst Abdul Razak Baginda in the case.

Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi had said yesterday that he does not believe his deputy would have abused his power.

Earlier today Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim had urged the government to probe Najib for alleged abuse of power, stating that the latest development would affect the government's credibility.

Najib responded by saying that the exchange of SMSes themselves does not suggest any abuse of power on his part.

On another matter, Najib said he will soon explain in detail in the Dewan Rakyat issues linked to the Eurocopter deal which many have said is questionable.

Najib, also the finance minister, rejected the opposition's call for a fresh budget that addresses the current economic crisis.

He added that hewill announce additional economic measures next Monday to manage the crisis -