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Karpal Singh SUSPENDED! - (ref. malaysiakini)

Malaysiakini's report:

DAP chairperson Karpal Singh has been suspended for two days from Parliament for accusing Speaker Pandikar Amin Mulia of being "not serious" and "playful".

The suspension arose as a result of Karpal (DAP-Bukit Gelugor) chiding off Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Nazri Abdul Aziz for being insensitive towards the disabled people.

parliament 231008 karpal singhKarpal took offence to Nazri referring to Wee Choo Keong (PKR-Wangsa Maju) as 'blind'.

"The minister has insulted the disabled people, and as I represent them, I want him to retract!" said the wheelchair-bound Karpal.

The heated exchange went on until Pandikar had to interject and said that the minister had done nothing wrong. Pandikar added that the word 'blind' did not refer to any disabled people.

Karpal, who was unconvinced by the explanation, then trained his anger at the Speaker, stating: "You are not serious and being playful (with this)!"

Pandikar then issued a warning to Karpal but the latter refused to back down, repeating the same remarks to the Speaker.

"I have given you a warning, and I had to take an action under the Standing Orders. I am suspending you two days from the Parliament," said Pandikar -

It is most unfair that the speaker is punishing the constituents of Karpal's seat for a trivial and minor comment like that! The speaker always talks about improving parliament, first world parliaments, etc, but he acts exactly how Karpal described him!