Today, famous political blogger Raja Petra Kammarudin, affectionately known as RPK was supposed to have his Habeas Corpus application be heard.
The hearing never materialized.
This morning, Syed Hamid Albar the Home Minister signed and approved RPK's arrest under section 8 of the ISA act, which means that not only he would be detained for 2 years, he would not be able to challenge the legality of the arrest.
Malaysiakini report:
Malaysia Today editor Raja Petra Kamarudin will be sent to the Kamunting Detention Centre in Taiping, Perak today to begin his two-year detention under the Internal Security Act, said his lawyers.Home Minister Syed Hamid Albar had signed his detention order last night for the blogger to be held without trial under section 8(1) of the tough security law. Under the Act, the government can renew his detention indefinitely.
Lawyers said the police had informed them this morning that they would be taking Raja Petra to the detention centre.
In short, RPK got screwed. The government outmanouvered him. In the 11th hour, the charge went from section 7 to 8. No more Habeas for you.
The Habeas hearing was called off. Bye bye. Off you go to Kamunting for a 2 year holiday.
It looks like RPK's predictions came through.
2 years. And 2 more years. What is infinite times 2?
So do we Hartal ISA now?
Remember what RPK said before he went into ISA?
Yes, I too have placed, not only my money, but also my freedom on Anwar. And if Anwar fails to deliver his promise on 16 September 2008, not only he but I as well am headed for a fall. But I have confidence he will do it. And I have confidence that my stay in Kamunting will not be for two years but for a mere two weeks.
But if I am wrong…..well, then see you maybe in six or seven years time, because for sure Najib Tun Razak will not release me in 2010 when he becomes Prime Minister. What he would do, instead, would be to rollover my two-year detention another two years, and another two years, and another two years, until I am too old to think and write anymore.
Till we meet again, if we do meet again, take care and keep the flame burning. There is still a long fight ahead of us in bringing reforms to this beloved country of ours
Harris Ibrahim is proposing a Hartal. Article: Hartal ISA on standby mode : RPK to Kamunting for 2 years!
Addendum: RPK'S ongoing sedition trial this week at the PJ's Session Court starting at 8:30am. Please show your support. Directions HERE
Addendum 2: Email the authorities!
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