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7 more arrested, including an MP for riding bicycles! - malaysiakini

Malaysiakini's report:

Police this morning arrested two people and detained five other activists, all from Jerit’s ‘Ride for Change’ campaign, including Sungai Siput PSM parliamentarian Dr D Jeyakumar.


Those arrested are Yong Chat Wah and Ooi Choon Nam who were picked up at the Bukit Gantang Rest area in Taiping and brought to the district’s police headquarters.

Meanwhile, Jeyakumar and four others were stopped while cycling near the Kuala Kangsar highway toll exit and sent to the Kuala Kangsar police headquarters for questioning.

According to human rights organisation Suaram, Yong and Ooi were arrested for leafleting in the area while those in Kuala Kangsar were detained “as part of the police’ systematic attempt to frustrate their campaign.”

An eventful 16-day tour

Today marks the seventh of the cyclists' an eventful 16-day tour to Kuala Lumpur organised by grassroots coalition Jaringan Rakyat Tertindas (Jerit).

penang jerit cycling campaign 071208 burned bicycleOn Saturday, eight bicycles were damaged, three severely, in the fire which was set by the arsonists while the cyclists were stopping over for the night in Penanti, mainland Penang.Last Thursday - the second day of the leg - one of the cyclists was detained in Merbau Pulas, Kedah, and taken for questioning for a few hours in Kulim district police headquarters.

The lorry transporting their bicycles were also stopped at the Penang Bridge on the third day and escorted to the Bayan Lepas police station.

The bicycles were however returned to the cyclists after a few hours -